Friday, September 14, 2012

Time is passing by so quickly...

Well, actually, I have been writing the posts in my Russian LiveJournal Blog but I like to write here as well. Although, I haven't any followers but... I suppose, ppl should write for themselves but not for everyone even if it's publicly.
When I was more younger I had the diary, hard copy. Once my mother found it. I mean, I forgot to hide it and next day I saw it on my table. I was to open there. I wrote about typical things, some boring cases in my life but also about my feelings, love&hate, sexual experience etc.
So it was unpleasant moment and I had the unpleasant talking.
Nowadays I don't care who reads or could read my posts.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ppl around me

There a lot of assholes around me. Althogether in the world. It's is a pity but we have to accept these persons. Why? Because we don't have any choice. We try to learn them be better, more kind or more respectful and polite for others but it will be talking with a wall. I know. Anyway, I would like to know about some asvises how to make our world better. Sounds like a Utopia. But we must seek for perfection.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Learning English

Recenlty I have decided to learn English deeply. I can't say that I have a weak level or my English is very poor but I need practice. Today I have read about the ways of English's improvement. One advise was about creating English blog. I don't know what reason I am doing now because I am alone and nobody reads me now... Well, maybe, finally, it will work out. I would like to have comments and most of all - critis itself especially about grammar mistakes and sentences' bulding. So, here I am...